Group Tours in Ecuador

Group Tours in Ecuador by Footprint-Journeys bring different itineraries that break the typical and traditional way to explore a country by offering a first hand culture experience, Social service, adventure and educational options. The Accommodation type can include a mixture of hotels and homestays.

Group Tours in Ecuador| Homestay

Its importance:

Including this innovative service makes the cultural involvement an exclusive space for all members of the group to face how the local community live the day by day. It enriches the group members time abroad when they notice all the facilities and and comfort they have back home.  This cultural learning portion makes each of our itineraries very special and rewarding.

The best way to get a close culture immersion will always be the homestay opportunity. By taking this unique chance, you will share local traditions, language and food. Local families tend to be that friendly that you will feel like living at home.

Our Group Tours Itineraries highlights:

Aside the accommoation, Our Group Tours in Ecuador add specific wished local destinatinations and activities to make the final itinerary very attractive, fun and cultural enriching as below:

  • Salsa lesson
  • CUY BBQ or Cooking class
  • Spanish immersion class
  • Cocoa making experience
  • Social service activities
  • Donations delivery
  • Soccer game
  • Welcome Dinner

All these extra activities offer the priviledge for each group tours in Ecuador participant to experience our culture.

Group Tours in Ecuador

Group Tours  suggested Adventures:

  • Equator museum
  • Organic Lunch experience
  • Pichincha Volcano
  • Tsachilas Tribe experience
  • Quilotoa loop tour
  • Cotopaxi Volcano tour
  • Mindo tour
  • Papallacta

Itinearies Flexibility

We handle and coordinate the itineraries as you might wish. This means, Everything depends on your availability for Adventure as well as available time for Educational & Cultural Immersion number of activities. Each University or College hold their own objectives and policies that we respect. We use as our main base all your requirements and needs to start our itineraries basis.

«The fatest way to make a friend for life is to travel with a stranger».

— Christina Pfeiffer


General information about Ecuador here

2 thoughts on “Group Tours in Ecuador”

  • William Phillips 8 años ago enero 9, 2017

    Daniela and Jorge made our group itinerary to be suitable for the ages and the activities timing was just as planned, food was amazing and we loved the organic lunch experience after the Mitad del Mundo (equator visit). Leave all the plans on their hands and they really know what they are doing.

    • John Smith x32 8 años ago enero 9, 2017

      Our group experience was just perfect! Jorge and Daniela worked on our itinerary and overall tour logistics during 6 months to make every single detail perfect for our very demanding group memebers. Always appreciate the hard work you guys did!

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